Veteran Owned and Operated. Proudly Made in the USA.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Signs The Easter Bunny Is Nuts

  1. Neighbors describing him as "a quiet loner."
  2. Removed from a department store last December after screaming at Santa, "You're going to die up there, fat man!"
  3. Can't stop washing his paws.
  4. Colorful eggs now filled with Prozac.
  5. Apartment walls covered with photos of Sharon Stone.
  6. Met with Dr. Kevorkian about the possibility of a "suicide egg."
  7. Rotting corpse of Energizer bunny recently discovered in his crawl space.
  8. Won't come out of his compound in Waco, Texas.
  9. He's hippity-hopped up on crack.
  10. Keeps rubbing himself for good luck. 

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