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Saturday, April 10, 2010


There's a new virus hoax going around. It's called:


If activated, it will delete everything in your brain and make you act like a raving lunatic. It doesn't come as an email attachment so be sure not to open it! It's so tricky, there aren't even any misspellings in the warning!

Pass this on to everyone you know and Bill Gates won't pay you $5000.00 per email. I know someone who's brother's uncle's cousin's girlfriend's cocker spaniel passed it on to everyone in his address book and he's already collecting nothing from Bill Gates!

Additionally, once your brain has been totally deleted it replaces it with a seek and invite utility that will automatically download other fake viruses to your computer. Once these other hoaxes are installed you will drool constantly, scratch yourself in embarrassing places, and you'll release gasses that will demagnetize all the floppy disks within 200 feet!

Furthermore, if you don't pass this warning on to everyone you know, you will have 7 years of good luck! I know someone that knows someone else's sister's cat who didn't pass this on, and they're already having nothing unusual happening to them!

You have been warned...

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