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Monday, March 22, 2010

Telling Jokes

A man walks into a bar one evening, and this is the first time he's been in this particular bar. As he sits at the counter drinking, suddenly he hears someone call out, "Number 35." And everybody in the bar bursts out laughing.

A little later, someone else calls out, "Number 47." Again everybody bursts out laughing.

So the man turns to his neighbour and asks, "What's the deal with the numbers, and why is everybody laughing?"

The man's new acquaintance explains, "You see, we've told the same jokes so often, everybody has them memorized. So we made a list of all of the jokes and numbered them. Now, instead of telling a joke, we just call out that joke's number, and everybody knows what we mean."

The man thought it over, and decided he'd like to try. So he called out, "Number 26." And nobody laughed. There wasn't a chuckle, giggle or snicker to be heard in the whole room.

Disappointed, the man said, "What did I do wrong?"

His drinking buddy answered, "Well, you know how it is. Some people can tell a joke, and some people can't."

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